
Donella meadows thinking in systems a primer pdf
Donella meadows thinking in systems a primer pdf

Not only population growth, but economic growth. Asked by the Club of Rome to show how major global problems - poverty and hunger, environmental destruction, resource depletion, urban deterioration, unemployment - are related and how they might be solved, Forrester made a computer model and came out with a clear leverage point 1: Growth. The classic example of that backward intuition was my own introduction to systems analysis, the world model. Everyone is trying very hard to push it IN THE WRONG DIRECTION!” Then I’ve gone to the company and discovered that there’s already a lot of attention to that point. “Time after time I’ve done an analysis of a company, and I’ve figured out a leverage point - in inventory policy, maybe, or in the relationship between sales force and productive force, or in personnel policy. “People know intuitively where leverage points are,” he says. Those of us who were trained by the great Jay Forrester at MIT have all absorbed one of his favorite stories. The systems analysis community has a lot of lore about leverage points.

Donella meadows thinking in systems a primer pdf how to#

We not only want to believe that there are leverage points, we want to know where they are and how to get our hands on them. The nearly effortless way to cut through or leap over huge obstacles.

donella meadows thinking in systems a primer pdf

The silver bullet, the trimtab, the miracle cure, the secret passage, the magic password, the single hero who turns the tide of history. This idea is not unique to systems analysis - it’s embedded in legend. Folks who do systems analysis have a great belief in “leverage points.” These are places within a complex system (a corporation, an economy, a living body, a city, an ecosystem) where a small shift in one thing can produce big changes in everything.

Donella meadows thinking in systems a primer pdf